Wednesday, October 5, 2011


My name is Loompy - not very elegant, perhaps but I'm afraid I'm not either: just a smallish, brownigh and -er - fattish sort of dog. I'm a kind of mission dog, and I live in Singapore with Uncle Joachim and Auntie Annemarie and lots of children. I hate thunderstorms- and this story is about one terrible thunderstorm when I got lost. Ten days, they said it was, but it felt more like ten years. Ten years without a square meal. Ten years dodging in and out of scary, screechy traffic... in the end - well, you'd better read this book. It's all about me.

缅甸拓荒先锋 - 耶德逊

鼓励你看这本短篇,却激励人心的宣教士传记!让你我的服事,有一颗坚定不移的心! 耶德逊是美国第一位海外宣教士,亦是缅甸的拓荒先锋。在缅甸,他曾被误作特务,在死囚室中度过两年时间,经历许多苦难,幸而妻子努力相救,终于获得释放。可惜未几,妻子突然因病去世,小女儿也因体弱相继离世……….。他虽然一生坎坷,却在异邦成功地拓展神的国度,将圣经翻译成缅文。为后来的宣教工作而铺路。他传奇性的一生,实在令人赞叹。
完成了,我要走了!  (It is done, I am going)